走过:2019,激情澎湃;迎接:2020,生机勃勃。一路走来,我们风雨兼程,共赴挑战,累积了无数辉煌硕果。值此2020新春佳节到来之际,艾亚特会展有限公司(AIT EVENTS)及海外合作各方,向各位致以最真诚的祝愿:愿大家在新的一年里,事业顺利、平安康健、阖家欢乐!
With the year coming to a close, I wanted to reach out and send my bestwishes to you and all the Chinese members!
I hope thatthe passing year has been a successful year for you and yourorganizations!
Here’s to a happy and healthy New Year! May it bring youhappiness, wealth, longevity, success and good fortune!
It has been a real pleasure getting to know you and your organizationthis year.
On behalf of the President, Members and Staff of AIIGMA, please acceptour New Year wishes. Wishing you a Prosperous Year ahead. Kindly convey ourwishes to your Members as well.
We look forward to another year of close cooperation.
Thanks and Regards.
On behalf of the President, Members and Staff of BCGA, we extend toCIGMA our New Year’s wishes.
Wishing you a Prosperous Year ahead and good health. Please convey ourwishes to your Members and a successful show of IG China 2020 in Hangzhou!
We look forward to another year of close cooperation.My best regards for a lucky Rat Year!
祝您在新的一年里事业蒸蒸日上,身体健康。与此同时,也请向您的会员转达我们的祝愿,并祝2020年IG China在杭州成功举办!
4、来自国际气体制造商协会FRANK FINGER先生的贺词:
As a professional association dedicated to the service of manufacturersin the global gases industry, we have been pursuing and promoting the safe andhealthy development and growth of this special industry. Around this goal, ourglobal members actively participate in the safety management of gasesproduction and operation in various countries and regions, and provide relevantinternational standards and market access to their respectiveauthorities.
On the occasion of the Chinese New year (the year of the Rat), on behalfof all the members of this Association (IGMA), I would like to extend myheartfelt greetings and New year wishes to the colleagues in China's gasesindustry and the booming enterprises.
I wish IG CHINA 2020 a complete success and full harvest for exhibitors andtrade visitors!
预祝IG CHINA 2020取得圆满成功,展商和贸易观众收获满满!
The 22nd China International Exhibition on Gases Technology, Equipmentand Applications is taking place in Hangzhou this September and is the world’slargest gathering of technology and services providers associated with theindustrial gases business. The international visitors actively participating inthe industrial gases business visit this event. Gasworld is proud to supportthis event and look forward to meeting you in Hangzhou.
第22届中国国际气体技术、设备和应用展览会(IG CHINA 2020)将于今年(2020年)9月在杭州举行,这是世界上与工业气体业务相关的技术和服务提供商的最大规模行业聚会。届时,凡愿意积极参与工业气体业务的国际参观者均来参观本次盛会,《气体世界》-Gasworld杂志很荣幸能继续支持这一重要展会,并期待着在杭州与各位见面!
2、韩国《iGas Journal》杂志创始人和CEO李先生
IG China, which has contributed to the development of industrial gasesover the past decade, has led new technologies, information exchanges andmarket changes.
Korean companies are also interested and trying to participate in moreexchanges in the future. Thank you.
3、SIAD中国主席(前普莱克斯全球前总裁)ED Hotard先生
On behalf of the SIAD Group worldwide, we wish all our AIT friends, allthe IG China participants and our customers supply partners a very Happy NewYear of Rat. We wish all good health,joy and good fortune is the year ahead.
我们谨代表SIAD全球集团,祝愿所有艾亚特公司的朋友、IG China 2020的所有参与者和我们的客户,为合作伙伴提供一个非常快乐的“鼠年”(感受)。祝大家在新的一年里身体健康、欢乐好运! |